Friday, September 21, 2012

I Dare You To Have Habits Like Rabbits

The only fat rabbit I have ever seen was one who was cooped up in a cage. Otherwise rabbits seems to always be hopping and running around - except when they take a short break to much on some plants.

Salads with lots of veggies are often called "rabbit food" which is always good for healthy dieting! Can there be a more perfect health snack than those mini carrots?

I don't think rabbits sit down very often for a huge meal at the end of the day and gorge themselves. Instead they nibble and graze eating less - more often. Research has shown that this is much healthier and more beneficial when dieting, because the body doesn't go into starvation mode when meals are skipped.

Hmmmmm .... let's review.

1) Rabbits exercise all through the day - hopping here and there.
2) Rabbits eat lots of veggies with good nutrition and low in calories.
3) Rabbits graze and eat smaller portions more often in the day.

Yes, it sounds like following the health habits of rabbits is no magic trick - just good common sense.

Friends of Amanda and Paul have told them that "they eat like a rabbit." They grew up vegetarian and have continued throughout their marriage. They have a blog website Here is a link from their site which highlights some of their favorite vegetarian cookbooks - you know recipes for rabbits!

I dare you to have healthy habits - just like rabbits!

Written by Dr. Dan Davidson, founder and director of the Back Resort & Rejuvenation Health Center - and creator of the and programs.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I Dare You To Take The Stairs

A recent study suggests that people who walk the stairs just seven minutes a day could cut their risk of heart disease by 60%.

Sometime we just need a little nudge toward a simple healthier choice. In a shopping mall in England only 4 percent of people took the stairs that were next to an escalator. Brightly colored signs were added to the stairs that included motivational messages promoting exercise benefits. After six weeks the amount more than doubled to 10 percent of people who took the stairs. The findings were published in the American Journal of Health Promotion.

Stair climbing burns more calories than most other exercise activities. Scaling just two flights of stairs a day could result in a loss of 6 lbs per year. Six flights could help you trim about 18 extra lbs. Those kind of results could easily put the elevator man out of business.

The European Heart Journal published a study of 69 hospital employees who used the stairs exclusively for 12 weeks. Here are some of the benefits they enjoyed:

Lung capacity: up 8.6 percent
Body fat: down 1.7 percent
Waist circumference: down 1.8 percent
Diastolic blood pressure: down 2.3 percent
LDL (bad) cholesterol: down 3.9 percent

Taking the "Dare to Stair" can help reduce stress and will build greater leg strength and aerobic capacity allowing you to participate more fully in more daily activities.

Over 14 million people have already watched the video below showing how a little fun can motivate people to add a little movement to their day.

I Dare You To Take The Stairs! Your life and health just may depend on it.

Written by Dr. Dan Davidson, founder and director of the Back Resort & Rejuvenation Health Center - and creator of the and programs.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I Dare You To Stop The Insanity

Weight loss products and gimmicks are a part of our popular culture now more than ever. Over 90% of people who lose weight now will have gained it back and possibly then some a year later.

How many times have you jumped on a new weight loss fad bandwagon and had only temporary results? And later find yourself stuck in the same pattern again and again?

I Dare You To Stop The Insanity!

Whatever you have done in the past that hasn't worked - stop doing it! Do something different today.

Albert Einstein is attributed to the following famous quote -

"Doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting different results, is the definition of insanity."
Even if it doesn't work at least you will be wiser and smarter for having tried something new. Who wants to be fat and insane at the same time?

Here are some ideas to help stop the insanity today!

- If you know you need to increase exercise, schedule it. Create a new routine. Plan it earlier in the day to make sure you get it in.

- If you have a problem eating out, plan more meals at home that are healthier. Prepare more snacks and meals you can eat on the go if your schedule is busy. That will help being able to avoid having to eat out more.

- If you are a midnight snacker and eat the equivalent of a fourth meal after 8 p.m. change your habits today! Consider doing something radical - how about putting a padlock on the refrigerator door after dinner!

Whatever you do - do something different. By making even small changes in your routine and daily habits you can break through dysfunctional diet cycles.

I Dare You To Stop The Insanity!

Written by Dr. Dan Davidson, founder and director of the Back Resort & Rejuvenation Health Center - and creator of the and programs.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I Dare You To Have A Soda Quota

We all should have a quota on our soda. The best quota to probably have is zero!

It turns out that diet soda is just as bad if not worse than drinking regular soda when it comes to weight gain. Go figure! Well it does go to our expanded figures!

Let's look at two research studies -
First a study that shows how drinking regular soda can contribute to weight gain. A research study of more than 50,000 U.S. nurses found that those who drank just one serving of soda or fruit punch a day tended to gain much more weight than those who drank less than one a month, and had more than an 80 percent increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease. The risk pertained to drinks sweetened with either sugar or high-fructose corn syrup.
That makes sense because here is the calorie breakdown of a Classic Coke - 8 oz = 105 calories / 12 oz = 155 calories / 16 oz = 200 calories. Drink 16 oz a day and it will only take 18 days to gain an extra pound!

Now for the second research study on diet soda -

People who drink diet soft drinks don't lose weight. In fact, they gain weight, a new study shows. The findings come from eight years of data collected at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio. Researchers found that nearly all the obesity risk from soft drinks came from diet sodas. There was a 41% increase in risk of being overweight for every can or bottle of diet soft drink a person consumes each day
This study showed that people who drank diet soda actually were more likely to gain weight compared to those who drank regular soda. We don't exactly know why, but part of it may be we are fooling ourselves by consuming "diet foods" and thinking we can eat more food because of it.
Since the late 1970`s the soft drink consumption in the United States has doubled for females and tripled for males. The highest consumption is in the males between the ages of 12 - 29; they average 1/2 gallon a day or 160 gallons a year. It's estimated that 21 percent of all sugar intake is from soft drinks.
The bottom line is that we need to signficantly limit or cut out soda drinking. I dare you to have a Soda Quota!

Written by Dr. Dan Davidson, founder and director of the Back Resort & Rejuvenation Health Center - and creator of the and programs.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I Dare You To Make Small Changes

One of the biggest mistakes I have made over the last 25 years is not realizing how small food choices can add up. A simple change of 50 to 250 calories each day can make a big difference over weeks and months.

Below is a great chart from the website which offers a free desktop and iPhone app software solution to track your calories and energy output.


You can see how easily you can start trimming extra pounds by making wiser choices. Day by day all our decisions do add up. I dare you to make small changes everyday that will make a difference in your Dare Diet journey.

Written by Dr. Dan Davidson, founder and director of the Back Resort & Rejuvenation Health Center - and creator of the and programs.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I Dare You To Walk A Million Steps

Actually we all will probably walk a million steps in the next 12 to 18 months. The dare for today to to walk a million steps in 3 to 9 months.

Everyone knows that walking in good for us. It's one of the best overall exercises because it's easy to do and affordable. It's also great for all ages and various fitness levels. Walking improves our circulation, strengthens our heart, boosts our immune system, enhances our moods and - oh yes it burn calories!!

Let's look at some numbers for the next one million steps you take -

2000 steps a day - 500 days (16.6 months)

4000 steps a day - 250 days (8.3 months)

5000 steps a day - 200 days (6.6 months)

10,000 step a day - 100 days (3.3 months)

I dare you to buy an inexpensive pedometer and start tracking how many steps you take each day. Remember - "whatever you measure and monitor, you improve!"

Track your steps for the next week. Make a log and record the steps you take each day. Then dare yourself to Improve Your Move! Make a specific goal to walk the next one million steps faster than you walked your last million.

You will be much healthier for it and it will help you lose weight and stay fit.

Written by Dr. Dan Davidson, founder and director of the Back Resort & Rejuvenation Health Center - and creator of the and programs.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I Dare You To Go To Bed Hungry

One of my biggest downfalls over the years has been late night snacking. I am a night owl and when I am up late I get the munchies! If I added up the extra calories I have eaten after 9 p.m. I am sure it would be surprising.

The best time to be hungry is when you are sleeping because you don't realize you are hungry.

A recent study published in the journal Obesity found that mice that were fed a high-fat diet during the time they'd normally eat gained 20 percent in weight over six weeks. But mice fed the same high-fat diet during hours they should have been sleeping put on 48 percent compared to the weight they started with.

"How or why a person gains weight is very complicated, but it clearly is not just calories in and calories out," said study leader Fred Turek, professor of neurobiology and physiology at Northwestern University. "We think some factors are under circadian control. Better timing of meals, which would require a change in behavior, could be a critical element in slowing the ever-increasing incidence of obesity.
It is thought that our body clocks could control the release of appetite hormones. This means that making an effort to eat earlier in the day could be pivotal to weight loss.

Make a goal to not eat after 8 or 9 p.m. every night. When I was young my mom used to announce that after 9 p.m. "the kitchen was closed." If you stay up late and begin to get hungry, don't worry - you won't starve in your sleep.
I Dare You To Go To Bed Hungry!

Written by Dr. Dan Davidson, founder and director of the Back Resort & Rejuvenation Health Center - and creator of the and programs.